Source code for process_qrc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Script to process QRC files (convert .qrc to and .rcc).

The script will attempt to compile the qrc file using the following tools:

    - pyrcc4 for PyQt4 and PyQtGraph (Python)
    - pyrcc5 for PyQt5 and QtPy (Python)
    - pyside-rcc for PySide (Python)
    - pyside2-rcc for PySide2 (Python)
    - rcc for Qt4 and Qt5 (C++)

Delete the compiled files that you don't want to use manually after
running this script.

Links to understand those tools:

    - pyrcc4:
    - pyrcc5:
    - pyside-rcc:
    - pyside2-rcc: (Documentation Incomplete)
    - rcc on Qt4:
    - rcc on Qt5:


# Standard library imports

import os
import sys
import glob
import logging
import argparse
from subprocess import call

# Third party imports
from import FileSystemEventHandler
from watchdog.observers import Observer

# Local imports
import qrainbowstyle
from qrainbowstyle import PACKAGE_PATH, STYLES_PATH, QRC_FILE, QSS_FILE
from qrainbowstyle.extras import OutputLogger, qt_message_handler
from qrainbowstyle.utils.images import create_images, create_palette_image, generate_qrc_file, create_titlebar_images
from qrainbowstyle.utils.scss import create_qss

from qtpy.QtCore import qInstallMessageHandler

[docs]class QSSFileHandler(FileSystemEventHandler): """QSS File observer.""" def __init__(self, parser_args): """QSS File observer.""" super(QSSFileHandler, self).__init__() self.args = parser_args
[docs] def on_modified(self, event): """Handle file system events.""" if event.src_path.endswith('.qss'): run_process(self.args) logging.debug('\n')
[docs]def run_process(args): """Process qrc files.""" import inspect import qrainbowstyle.palette as source palettes = [] for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(source): if inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, source.BasePalette) and obj is not source.BasePalette: palettes.append(obj) logging.debug("Found palettes: " + str(palettes)) for palette in palettes: palette_name = str(palette.__name__) logging.debug("Generating files for: " + palette_name) # create directory for every style in os.chdir(STYLES_PATH) os.makedirs(palette_name, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(os.path.join(STYLES_PATH, palette_name)) open("", "w+").close() output_dir = os.path.join(STYLES_PATH, palette_name) # get paths to output directories for this palette images_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'images') rc_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'rc') # qss_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'qss') # create directories os.makedirs(images_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(rc_dir, exist_ok=True) # os.makedirs(qss_dir, exist_ok=True) qrc_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, QRC_FILE) qss_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, QSS_FILE) # variables_scss_filepath = os.path.join(qss_dir, VARIABLES_SCSS_FILE) # Create palette and resources png images logging.debug('Generating palette image ...') create_palette_image(palette=palette, path=images_dir) logging.debug('Generating images ...') create_images(palette=palette, rc_path=rc_dir) logging.debug("Generating images for titlebar buttons") create_titlebar_images(rc_path=rc_dir, palette=palette) logging.debug('Generating qrc ...') generate_qrc_file(rc_path=rc_dir, qrc_path=qrc_filepath) logging.debug('Converting .qrc to and/or .rcc ...') for qrc_file in glob.glob('*.qrc'): # get name without extension filename = os.path.splitext(qrc_file)[0] logging.debug(filename + '...') ext = '' ext_c = '.rcc' # Create variables SCSS files and compile SCSS files to QSS logging.debug('Compiling SCSS/SASS files to QSS ...') create_qss(palette=palette, qss_filepath=qss_filepath) # creating names py_file_pyqt5 = 'pyqt5_' + filename + ext py_file_pyqt = 'pyqt_' + filename + ext py_file_pyside = 'pyside_' + filename + ext py_file_pyside2 = 'pyside2_' + filename + ext py_file_qtpy = '' + filename + ext py_file_pyqtgraph = 'pyqtgraph_' + filename + ext # append palette used to generate this file used_palette = "\nfrom qrainbowstyle.palette import " + palette.__name__ + "\npalette = " + palette.__name__ + "\n" # calling external commands if args.create in ['pyqt', 'pyqtgraph', 'all']: logging.debug("Compiling for PyQt4 ...") try: call(['pyrcc4', '-py3', qrc_file, '-o', py_file_pyqt]) with open(py_file_pyqt, "a+") as f: f.write(used_palette) except FileNotFoundError: logging.debug("You must install pyrcc4") if args.create in ['pyqt5', 'qtpy', 'all']: logging.debug("Compiling for PyQt5 ...") try: call(['pyrcc5', qrc_file, '-o', py_file_pyqt5]) with open(py_file_pyqt5, "a+") as f: f.write(used_palette) except FileNotFoundError: logging.debug("You must install pyrcc5") if args.create in ['pyside', 'all']: logging.debug("Compiling for PySide ...") try: call(['pyside-rcc', '-py3', qrc_file, '-o', py_file_pyside]) with open(py_file_pyside, "a+") as f: f.write(used_palette) except FileNotFoundError: logging.debug("You must install pyside-rcc") if args.create in ['pyside2', 'all']: logging.debug("Compiling for PySide 2...") try: call(['pyside2-rcc', '-py3', qrc_file, '-o', py_file_pyside2]) with open(py_file_pyside2, "a+") as f: f.write(used_palette) except FileNotFoundError: logging.debug("You must install pyside2-rcc") if args.create in ['qtpy', 'all']: logging.debug("Compiling for QtPy ...") # special case - qtpy - syntax is PyQt5 with open(py_file_pyqt5, 'r') as file: filedata = # replace the target string filedata = filedata.replace('from PyQt5', 'from qtpy') with open(py_file_qtpy, 'w+') as file: # write the file out again file.write(filedata) if args.create not in ['pyqt5']: os.remove(py_file_pyqt5) if args.create in ['pyqtgraph', 'all']: logging.debug("Compiling for PyQtGraph ...") # special case - pyqtgraph - syntax is PyQt4 with open(py_file_pyqt, 'r') as file: filedata = # replace the target string filedata = filedata.replace('from PyQt4', 'from pyqtgraph.Qt') with open(py_file_pyqtgraph, 'w+') as file: # write the file out again file.write(filedata)
[docs]def main(arguments): """Process QRC files.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--qrc_dir', default=PACKAGE_PATH, type=str, help="QRC file directory, relative to current directory.",) parser.add_argument('--create', default='qtpy', choices=['pyqt', 'pyqt5', 'pyside', 'pyside2', 'qtpy', 'pyqtgraph', 'qt', 'qt5', 'all'], type=str, help="Choose which one would be generated.") parser.add_argument('--watch', '-w', action='store_true', help="Watch for file changes.") args = parser.parse_args(arguments) if path = PACKAGE_PATH observer = Observer() handler = QSSFileHandler(parser_args=args) observer.schedule(handler, path, recursive=True) try: logging.debug('Watching QSS file for changes...Press Ctrl+C to exit') observer.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join() else: run_process(args)
if __name__ == '__main__': logger = OutputLogger() qInstallMessageHandler(qt_message_handler) sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))